Our new acquisitions include, from the Jorge Luis Borges Personal Library Collection:
Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe
Professional Secrets by Jean Cocteau
and Geometry and Faith by Thomas Hill from the Maria Mitchell Personal Library Collection.
From the Robert Smithson Personal Library Collection, we just accessioned:
Ritual Magic by E. M. Butler
Some Versions of the Pastoral by William Empson
The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein
Symbols, Signals & Noise: The Nature and Process of Communication by J.R. Pierce
Rock Art of the American Indian by Campbell Grant

Grant's book includes many incredible photographs and illustrations. Above illustrates sandstone paintings by the Chumash of California. It details that "only the Chumash and the neighboring Yokuts painted on smoke-blackened surfaces."

Some Versions of the Pastoral joins Empson's other book The Structure of Complex Words on the shelf. They make a fine pair.

Please contact the Librarian at personallibraries{at}gmail{dot}com for information about the Personal Libraries Library or if you are a member and want to check out any of these new books.