The following books are available to be checked out by PLL members:
Art and Visual Perception by Rudolf Arnheim - RS 2.241 2016
Entropy and Art by Rudolf Arnheim - RS 2.27 2009
Matisse and the Nude by Alan Bowness - RS 2.237 2015
Art by Clive Bell - RS 2.36 2010
The Nude by Kenneth Clark - RS 2.40 2010
The Light of Common Day by Diana Cooper - RS 2.128 2012
Jackson Pollock: Energy Made Visible by B.H. Friedman - RS 2.238 2015
Paul Gauguin's Intimate Journals by Paul Gauguin - RS 2.206 2014
Rock Art of the American Indian by Campbell Grant - RS 2.97 2011
Art & Culture: Critical Essays by Clement Greenberg - RS 2.202 2014
The Social History of Art, volume 2 by Arnold Hauser - RS 2.240 2016
The Sun in Art by Walter Herdeg - RS 2.176 2013
How Prints Look: Photographs with a Commentary by William M. Ivins, Jr. - RS 2.145 2012
Module, Proportion, Symmetry, Rhythm by Gyorgy Kepes - RS 2.205 2014
Albrecht Durer Complete Woodcuts edited by Dr. Willi Kurth - RS 2.131 2012
Matisse: A Biographical & Critical Study by Jacques Lassaigne - RS 2.239 2015
J.M.W. Turner by Jack Lindsay - RS 2.236 2015
Changing: Essays in Art Criticism by Lucy R. Lippard - RS 2.190 2014
Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 by Lucy R. Lippard - RS 2.62 2010
Pleasure in Ruins by Rose Macaulay - RS 2.106 2011
Italian Gardens by Georgiana Masson - RS 2.235 2015
The Artist's World in Pictures by Fred McDarrah - RS 2.243 2016
Modern Artists in America by Robert Motherwell & Ad Reinhardt, eds. - RS 2.234 2015
Discovery of the Circle by Bruno Munari - RS 2.165 2013
Object & Idea: An Art Critic's Journal 1961-1967 by Brian O'Doherty - RS 2.242 2016
A Concise History of Modern Painting by Herbert Read - RS 2.182 2014
Garden Making by Example by G.C. Taylor - RS 2.244 2016
The Lives of the Artists by Giorgio Vasari - RS 2.181 2014
Cryptozoic! by Brian Aldiss - RS 2.155 2013
Earthworks by Brian Aldiss - RS 2.118 2012
Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire - RS 2.15 2009
Endgame by Samuel Beckett - RS 2.55 2010
The Portable Blake by William Blake - RS 2.68 2010
The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges - RS 2.17 2009
Dreamtigers by Jorge Luis Borges - RS 2.19 2009
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges - RS 2.18 2009
Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges - RS 2.16 2009
Nadja by Andre Breton - RS 2.219 2015
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess - RS 2.3 2009
The Soft Machine by William S. Burroughs - RS 2.178 2013
Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino - RS 2.20 2009
t zero by Italo Calvino - RS 2.21 2009
A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe - RS 2.73 2010
The Nun by Denis Diderot - RS 2.77 2010
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle - RS 2.147 2012
The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot - RS 2.179 2014
The Waste Land: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound by T.S. Eliot, edited by Valerie Eliot - RS 2.58 2010
Emerson's Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson - RS 2.7 2009
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - RS 2.5 2009
Bibliomania by Gustave Flaubert - RS 2.43
Bouvard and Pecuchet &
Dictionary of Accepted Ideas by Gustave Flaubert - RS 2.39 2010
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert - RS 2.70 2010
WORD RAIN, or A Discursive Introduction to The Intimate Philosophical Investigations of G,R,E,T,A G,A,R,B,O, It Says by Madeline Gins - RS 2.154 2013
Lord of the Flies by William Golding - RS 2.12 2009
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass - RS 2.13 2009
The Marble Faun I by Nathaniel Hawthorne - RS 2.8.1 2009
The Marble Faun II by Nathaniel Hawthorne - RS 2.8.2 2009
Poems & Prose by Gerard Manley Hopkins - RS 2.139 2012
The Doors of Perception and
Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley - RS 2.218 2015
The Selected Works of Alfred Jarry by Alfred Jarry - RS 2.117 2012
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce - RS 2.1 2009
Leopardi: Poems & Prose by Giacomo Leopardi, edited by Angel Flores - RS 2.59 2010
A Soldier of Humor and Selected Writings by Wyndham Lewis - RS 2.98 2011
Mallarme by Mallarme, edited by Anthony Hartley - RS 2.57 2010
The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil - RS 2.60 2010
The Diary of Anais Nin by A. Nin, Gunther Stuhlmann, ed. - RS 2.129 2012
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor - RS 2.81 2010
Eagle or Sun? / ¿Aguila o Sol? by Octavio Paz - RS 2.156 2013
The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe - RS 2.152 2012
The Cantos of Ezra Pound by Ezra Pound - RS 2.123 2012
Ariel by Sylvia Plath - RS 2.105 2011
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath - RS 2.76 2010
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon - RS 2.6 2009
Erasers by Alain Robbe-Grillet - RS 2.170 2013
Snapshots by Alain Robbe-Grillet - RS 2.89 2011
Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre - RS 2.9 2009
The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein - RS 2.94 2011
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift - RS 2.63 2010
The Same Door by John Updike - RS 2.11 2009
Myra Breckenridge by Gore Vidal - RS 2.14 2009
Candide by Voltaire - RS 2.75 2010
The First Men in the Moon by H.G. Wells - RS 2.23 2009
The Invisible Man & The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells - RS 2.79 2010
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells - RS 2.72 2010
Kora in Hell: Improvisations by William Carlos Williams - RS 2.151 2012
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf - RS 2.153 2012
NIL: Episodes in the Literary Conquest of Void during the 19th Century by Robert Martin Adams - RS 2.28 2009
The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt - RS 2.121 2012
The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard - RS 2.4 2009
The Psychoanalysis of Fire by Gaston Bachelard - RS 2.83 2010
Illuminations by Walter Benjamin - RS 2.24 2009
Joyce-Again's Wake by Bernard Benstock - RS 2.31 2010
The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America by Daniel Boorstin - RS 2.135 2012
Other Inquisitions 1937-1952 by Jorge Luis Borges - RS 2.54 2010
The Novels of Flaubert: A Study of Themes & Techniques by Victor Brombert - RS 2.87 2011
Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges by Richard Burgin - RS 2.34 2010
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke - RS 2.86 2010
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus - RS 2.10 2009
Thoreau as World Traveler by John Aldrich Christie - RS 2.64 2010
Metaphysics, Reference, and Language by James Cornman - RS 2.114 2012
Daedalus, "Fiction is Several Languages," a Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences; Fall 1966 - RS 2.177 2013
Daedalus, "Utopia," a Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Spring 1965 - RS 2.38 2010
Of Time, Work, and Leisure by Sebastian de Grazia - RS 2.102 2011
Socialism and American Art by Donald Egbert Drew - RS 2.32 2010
The Cardinal Points of Borges by L. Dunham and Ivar Ivask - RS 2.199 2014
Seven Types of Ambiguity by William Empson - RS 2.191 2014
Some Versions of Pastoral by William Empson - RS 2.95 2011
The Aims of Phenomenology by Marvin Farber - RS 2.116 2012
Madness & Civilization by Michel Foucault - RS 2.136 2012
Nine Chains to the Moon by R. Buckminster Fuller - RS 2.2 2009
Phenomenology: Its Genesis & Prospect by Quentin Lauer - RS 2.138 2012
Dialectical Materialism by Henri Lefebvre - RS 2.100 2011
James Joyce by Harry Levin - RS 2.47 2010
Time & Western Man by Wyndham Lewis - RS 2.122 2012
The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Idea in America by Leo Marx - RS 2.169 2013
The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - RS 2.22 2009
Mallarme by Guy Michaud - RS 2.225 2015
The New Novel from Queneau to Pinget by Vivian Mercier - RS 2.61 2010
The Cyclical Night: Irony in James Joyce & Jorge Luis Borges by L.A. Murillo - RS 2.88 2011
Flaubert: A Biography by Philip Spencer - RS 2.69 2010
Four Essays on Philosophy by Mao Tse-Tung - RS 2.26 2009
The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics & Society by Norbert Wiener - RS 2.183 2014
Notebooks 1914-1917 by Ludwig Wittgenstein - RS 2.201 2014
Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud - RS 2.37 2010
Elements of Semiology by Roland Barthes - RS 2.66 2010
Writing Degree Zero by Roland Barthes - RS 2.78 2010
Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature and Method by Kenneth Burke - RS 2.25 2009
Language & Myth by Ernst Cassirer - RS 2.197 2014
On Human Communication: a Review, a Survey, and a Criticism by Colin Cherry - RS 2.120 2012
The Structure of Complex Words by William Empson - RS 2.84 2010
Symbols, Signals and Noise: The Nature and Process of Communication by J.R. Pierce - RS 2.96 2011
Culture & Anarchy by Matthew Arnold - RS 2.92 2011
The Story of Maps by Lloyd Brown - RS 2.111 2011
The Triumph of Time: A Study of the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress, Decadence by Jerome H. Buckley - RS 2.115 2012
Conversations with Claude Levi-Strauss by G. Charbonnier - RS 2.85 2010
The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, & Technology by Barry Commoner - RS 2.217 2015
The Megalith Builders of Western Europe by Glyn Daniel - RS 2.52 2010
Lost Continents: Th Atlantis Theme in History, Science & Literature by L. Sprague de Camp - RS 2.198 2014
The Hopi Indians by Ruth DeEtte Simpson - RS 2.168 2013
Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life & Work in the Sixteenth Century by J.L.E. Dreyer - RS 2.90 2011
Let's Explore Indian Villages, Past & Present by Bertha Dutton - RS 2.247 2016********
The Pyramids of Egypt by I.E.S. Edwards - RS 2.99 2011
Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return by Mircea Eliade - RS 2.48 2010
A Critique of the New Commonplaces by Jacques Ellul - RS 2.216 2015
New Lives, New Landscapes: Planning for the 21st Century by Nan Fairbrother - RS 2.229 2015
Revolution for the Hell of It by Free (Abbie Hoffman) - RS 2.200 2014
Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner - RS 2.33 2010
The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things by George Kubler - RS 2.208 2014
Man's Discovery of His Past: Literary Landmarks in Archaeology edited by Robert F. Heizer - RS 2.51 2010
American Space by John Jackson - RS 2.223 2015
The Age of Energy: Varieties of American Experience 1865-1915 by Howard Mumford Jones - RS 2.108 2011
A Fire on the Moon by Norman Mailer - RS 2.143 2012
The Language of Magic and Gardening by Bronislaw Malinowski - RS 2.189 2014
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan - RS 2.150 2012
The Antarctic Challenged by Admiral Lord Mountevans - RS 2.203 2014
The Black Death by Johannes Nohl - RS 2.30 2009
Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations by Robert Silverberg - RS 2.29 2009
Within the Arctic Circle: Portrait of the Arctic by Evelyn Stefansson - RS 2.196 2014
The Aztec: Man and Tribe by Victor W. Von Hagen - RS 2.35 2010
Masked Gods: Navaho and Pueblo Ceremonialism by Frank Waters - RS 2.163 2013
The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences by Frank Adams - RS 2.144 2012
Dictionary of Geological Terms by the American Geological Institute - RS 2.233 2015
Experiments in Seeing by Harry Asher - RS 2.46 2010
The Bloodstream: The River of Life by Isaac Asimov - RS 2.146 2012
The Moon by Isaac Asimov - RS 2.134 2012
Shells & Shelling by Ralph Barrett - RS 2.207 2014
Yellowstone- Its Underworld by Clyde Bauer - RS 2.211 2015
New Handbook of the Heavens by Hubert Bernhard - RS 2.212 2015
Canals by Fon W. Boardman Jr. - RS 2.113 2012
Trees of North America by C. Frank Brockman - RS 2.209 201
Crystals: Their Role in Nature by Charles Bunn - RS 2.65 2010
The Geological Evolution of North America by Thomas Clark & Colin Stearn - RS 2.127 2012
Lawns and Ground Covers by James Crockett - RS 2.232 2015
The Dinosaur Book by Edwin Colbert - RS 2.171 2013
Biogeography of the Southern End of the World by Philip Darlington - RS 2.137 2012
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly - RS 2.119 2012
The World of the Dinosaurs by David Dunkle - RS 2.158 2013
An Experiment with Time by J.W. Dunne - RS 2.82 2010
Principles of Geomorphology by Don J. Easterbrook - RS 2.166 2013
Flying Saucers- Serious Business by Frank Edwards - RS 2.49 2010
The Invisible Pyramid by Loren Eiseley - RS 2.180 2014
The Unexpected Universe by Loren Eiseley - RS 2.174 2013
Tracks by E.A.R. Ennion and N. Tinbergen - RS 2.112 2012
Exploring American Caves by Franklin Folsom - RS 2.103 2011
Audubon's Butterflies, Moths, and Other Studies by Alice Ford - RS 2.53 2010
Cryptanalysis by Helen Fouche Gaines - RS 2.109 2011
Discovering Rocks and Minerals: A Nature and Science Guide to Their Collection and Identification by Roy Gallant - RS 2.74 2010
The Birth and Death of the Sun by George Gamow - RS 2.172 2013
The Ambidextrous Universe by Martin Gardner - RS 2.162 2013
Logic Machines & Diagrams by Martin Gardner - RS 2.187 2014
The Origin of the Zodiac by Rupert Gleadow - RS 2.67 2010
The Ants by Wilhelm Goetsch - RS 2.230 2015
Mapping by David Greenhood - RS 2.133 2012
Tropical Trees of Hawaii by Dorothy & Bob Hargreaves - RS 2.188 2014
The Realm of the Nebulae by Edwin Powell Hubble - RS 2.149 2012
Crystals and Crystal Growing by Alan Holden & Phylis Singer - RS 2.42 2010
Concepts of Space by Max Jammer - RS 2.164 2013
Meditations on the Signs of the Zodiac by John Jocelyn - RS 2.195 2014
Clocks & Watches by Chester Johnson - RS 2.231 2015
Western Gem Hunter's Atlas by Robert & Cy Johnson - RS 2.140 2012
Mathematics and the Imagination by Edward Kasner & James Newman - RS 2.110 2011
The Sun by K.O. Kiepenheuer - RS 2.161 2013
Landscape into Cityscape by Frederick Law Olmstead - RS 2.175 2013
Field Geology by Frederic Lahee - RS 2.126 2012
Modern Techniques of Rock Blasting by U. Langefors & B. Kihlström - RS 2.184 2014
The Observer's Book of Common Insects & Spiders by E.F. Linssen & Hugh Newman - RS 2.227 2015
Watershed: A Biography of Johannes Kepler by Arthur Koestler - RS 2.226 2015
Field Book of Common Rocks and Minerals by Frederic Brewster Loomis - RS 2.44 2010
Islands, Their Lives, Legends & Lore by Seon Manley - RS 2.210 2015
Space, Time & the New Mathematics by Robert Marks - RS 2.194 2014
Crystals, Diamonds, and Transistors by L.W. Marrison - RS 2.45 2010
Mazes & Labyrinths by William Matthews - RS 2.148 2012
Field Book of Seashore Life by Roy Waldo Minor - RS 2.185 2014
Field Book of Ponds & Streams by Ann Haven Morgan - RS 2.186 2014
he Succession of Life Through Geological Time by Kenneth Oakley & Helen Muir-Wood - RS 2.130 2012
The Architecture of Molecules by Linus Pauling & Roger Hayward - RS 2.173 2013
Face of North America: The Natural History of a Continent by Peter Farb - RS 2.228 2015
A Range Guide to Mines and Minerals by Jay Ellis Ransom - RS 2.91 2011
Magic and Schizophrenia by Geza Roheim - RS 2.80 2010
The Zodiac by Walter Sampson - RS 2.193 2014
The Geology of New York City and Environs by Christopher J. Schuberth - RS 2.157 2013
Landforms of Australia by Vincent Serventy - RS 2.141 2012
Geology Illustrated by John S. Shelton - RS 2.104 2011
Introducing Astronomy by J. B. Sidgwick - RS 2.159 2013
The Day of the Dinosaur by L. Sprague de Camp & Catherine Cook de Camp - RS 2.132 2012
Stripping, A Sierra Club Battlebook by John F. Stacks - RS 2.107 2011
Treatise on Sedimentation, Volume I by William Twenhofel - RS 2.124 2012
Treatise on Sedimentation, Volume II by William Twenhofel - RS 2.125 2012
The Petrified River: The Story of Uranium by Union Carbide Corporation - RS 2.214 2015
Insect Ways by Clarence Weed - RS 2.245 2016
Geology: Our Changing Earth through the Ages by Jerome Wyckoff - RS 2.41 2010
Mystery or Matter by Louise Young - RS 2.204 2014
Making Friends with the Stars by Arthur J. Zadde - RS 2.50 2010
Stars: A Guide to the Constellations, Sun, Moon, Planets, and Other Features of the Heavens by Herbert Zim and Robert Baker - RS 2.160 2013
Ritual Magic by E.M. Butler - RS 2.93 2011
A Rebirth of Images: The Making of St. John's Apocalypse by Austin Farrer - RS 2.101 2011
The Message of the Stars by Max & Augusta Heindel - RS 2.192 2014
The Bhagavad-Gita, introduction by Aldous Huxley - RS 2.71 2010
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki - RS 2.205 2014
The I Ching, translated by Wilhelm & Baynes, Foreword by C. G. Jung - RS 2.56 2010
Arizona Rock Trails by Fred Bitner - RS 2.221 2015
Easy Guide to Merida, Yucatan, & Nearby Archaeological Zones by Richard Bloomgarden - RS 2.246 2015
An Illustrated Guide to Fossil Collecting by Richard Casanova - RS 2.220 2015
Indians of New Mexico by Bertha Dutton - RS 2.222 2015
Gardens of England & Wales Open to the Public by National Gardens Scheme - RS 2.224 2015
Desert Gem Trails by Mary Francis Strong - RS 2.215 2015
Palenque by Alberto Ruz - RS 2.212 2015
Please contact the Library at personallibraries{at}gmail{dot}com to check out a book from the Robert Smithson Personal Library. * latest book / accession number
The personal library of Robert Smithson was catalogued shortly after his death. The catalogue, compiled by Valentin Tatransky, can be found in
Robert Smithson, organized by Eugenie Tsai with Cornelia Butler (The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.) This catalogue is not comprehensive in itself, but is quite extensive.